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High Energy Bills? Have Your Condenser Coils Checked

Reliable air conditioning is something we all tend to take for granted. We start up our A/C after a long winter break and cross our fingers everything works perfectly on the first hot day of the year. Condenser coils play one of the biggest roles in the air conditioner’s cooling process. They take the heat from your home and transfer it to the air outside. Since they are located on the outside, they are very susceptible to dirt buildup.

What happens if you have dirty condenser coils?

  • Your home won’t cool down properly
  • Energy bills will be higher than normal
  • Your system risks breaking down

It is estimated that dirty condenser coils can increase the energy usage of your A/C by over 30 percent. To help reduce utility costs, the A/C coils should be cleaned at least once a year. Since the coils are hard to access, its best the job is left for a professional.

We offer full testing on all components using our 28 point checklist!

Call Today to schedule an A/C Tune-Up for only $49.00 in the month of May!