7 Steps to Take Before Turning on the Heat

The days are getting rainier, chillier, and darker sooner–fall is here, and winter is just around the bend. Before you spin the dial on your thermostat clockwise, make sure your space is ready to host a warm and cozy environment. Here are 7 ways to save money and make the most out of your heating bill this season.

1) Check for Drafts

Unsecured windows and other openings in your home serve as wind tunnels for cold winter air looking for a warm home to sabotage. To keep out the frigid breeze, purchase window insulation kits to seal your windows. Easy to install, these large translucent plastic sheets will insulate your leaks without disrupting your view out the window.

2) Take Time-Outs

Talk to your family about discipline. Does the heat really need to be turned on while everybody is at work? Cut your energy bill in half by shutting off the heat during the day. We promise if you use Lenz HVAC services, your heat won’t take long to kick back into gear upon your return from work! Throw on a sweatshirt and a blanket if you must, and your house will heat up before you can steep a cup of tea.

3) Insulate, Insulate, Insulate!

Look into the status of your attic/loft and exterior walls. If you are living in an old house or complex, you could very likely need to do some insulating. Especially in the case of attic spaces, rising heat emitting from your furnace can escape through the roof. Seal your house to save money on running your heat!

4) Cozy Your Floors

Few things look better or crisper than a shiny and clean hardwood floor in the spring, but in the winter you will be sure to get cold feet walking down the aisle (or hallway). Go to your nearest home goods store and purchase a couple rugs for your toes. They will retain heat and keep you from hopping around on a cold floor all winter!

5) Set a Maximum Temperature

Getting out of bed on cold mornings can be brutal, but how hot do you really need to crank up the heat? Just because the weather outside is frightful doesn’t mean that the weather inside should melt more than just a snowman. Agree to not set the thermostat over a certain temperature. Your home might not feel like a sauna, but sweatpants and socks will do wonders for you, and they don’t require spending additional cash.

6) Clear the Way

It’s time to make the grim adventure into that creepy unfinished basement. Bring a flashlight and be sure that nothing is touching or interfering with your furnace in any way. This is an extreme fire hazard! Keep yourself and your family safe by clearing sufficient space for the furnace to operate without heating surrounding objects.

7) Hire Lenz for a General Inspection

If it has been a while since you did a full inspection of your heating system, you’ve landed on the write blog! Lenz Heating and Cooling hosts a team of trained, experienced, and responsible technicians that are available at your disposal. Call today to make an appointment!